Sunpati Sang
Product Description
Saang aka Himalayan Juniper Aroma: Woody, Clear, Refreshing.Inhaling of Juniper Dhoop clears, stimulates and strengthens the nerves. It purifies the atmosphere, which has a calming effect for over-str ...Read More
Saang aka Himalayan Juniper Aroma: Woody, Clear, Refreshing.Inhaling of Juniper Dhoop clears, stimulates and strengthens the nerves. It purifies the atmosphere, which has a calming effect for over-str ...Read More
The khada symbolizes purity and compassion and is worn or presented with incense at many ceremonial occasions, including births, weddings, funerals, graduations and the arrival or departure of guests. It is made of silk.
The khada symbolizes purity and compassion and is worn or presented with incense at many ceremonial occasions, including births, weddings, funerals, graduations and the arrival or departure of guests. It is usually made of silk.
1pkt = 30-35sticks various authentic Himalayan medicinal herbs and ingredients. These precious substances together produce a rich and pure aroma to assist, soothe and calm a restless mind, purify the environment, and aid in meditation and relaxation. It also works to alleviate depression, stress, and anxiety. Its refreshing fragrance can be used as an air freshener Fine quality Tibetan incense sticks are purely hand prepared from highly flavored medicinal herbs and other precious substances. Tibetan incense is prepared from superior quality, purely hand-made. Made from medical herbs and precious scented substances. Absent of choking and camphor smell. It is non-toxic and non-habit forming.
One of the most beautiful incense that helps you to be stress free and also helps mediate in peace, prepared from highly flavoured medicinal herbs and other precious substances.
Totola ko Phool - "Ko Ko Mendo" (Tamang Name) is used considered as a traditional flower used in special ceremonies, such as Weddings, Birthday, Worship and Funerals ceremonies. Medicinal Values: Treatment of tonsillitis, ulcer, soar throat, fever and multiple others.
Creeping juniper (shukpa) is the most basic and essential substance for sang-offering. This is the same type of sang that is offered daily at the Boudha Stupa and many other sacred sites throughout Buddhist Himalaya & Tibet.
Sukpa' (plant used as incense). The smoke produced from the 'sukpa' which is a common practice purifies from the negativity pertaining to the spirit world.
Nepalese khadas are usually white and Dhaka, symbolizing the pure heart of the giver, though it is quite common to find yellow-gold khada as well.
The khada symbolizes purity and compassion and is worn or presented with incense at many ceremonial occasions, including births, weddings, funerals, graduations and the arrival or departure of guests. It is usually made of silk.
This is a metal incense box found in traditional Tibetan households which is used to burn different incense.